Our Mission House
God loves and wants you to have profound experiences with Him!

Get my latest book today!
31-Day Devotional: Intimate Conversations with God in the Secret Place
Do you want more? Are you hungry for more profound spiritual experiences with God?
Do you feel like there’s more, but you don’t know how to get there?
Have you seen those who soar above their circumstances and live in peace and joy when everything around them seems destructive or chaotic?
They’ve found the Secret Place in God. They’ve discovered the place Psalm 91 talks about. You are under the shadow of His wings, so snuggled up and close to Him, you can hear His every whisper and find answers to your problems. You can live in a supernatural peace.
Mission House Newsletters
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Do you have a struggling friend who might need this?
Finding Your Kingdom Identity as a Widow
What a strange feeling to go from being connected as a couple to suddenly feeling set adrift as a singlet... A sudden identity change from "married" to "widow." How do you grieve this lost part of you? How do you navigate this new reality?
Amanda Rankin has written a beautiful map to help you in that navigation. She writes from her own journey from surviving to thriving in such a beautiful, relatable way that it will feel like a friend is walking with you, explaining where you are, where you're going, and what you'll see and feel along the path to Finding Your Kingdom Identity as a Widow. More than words, Amanda has written a book that will surround you like a warm hug as you read its pages.

Great for teens and young adults!
Your Road to Success
Discover the Tools to Blast Open Your Road to Success!
Life is complicated!
Cut through life’s complications and get a clear, simple map to the future.
Learn your Personality, why you act the way you do, and why others act the way THEY do.
Discover your Purpose, and use your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage.
Plan a path for your future.
Create the Priorities that bring balance, peace, and authority to your life.
Allow the right People to propel you toward your dreams and goals.
Prayer. Whatever concerns you, concerns God. Learn how to decree your future!
Understanding your personality puts a whole new perspective on how you approach your life.
And it's fun to do!
This little workbook can change your life…. Really!
About Amanda
Amanda Rankin has lived on the foreign mission field of Panama since 2008. She is called to be a prophetic intercessor/watchman, worshiper, missionary, teacher, and author. She opened an interdenominational prayer room, has given seminars to Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and Operation Mobilization (OM) in other nations, and has been a conference speaker.
Amanda’s calling is to lead people into more profound experiences with the living God. She has a unique prophetic gift to awaken this in others. Her message to you is this: it’s not enough to know about God.
To live a life filled with love, joy, peace, provision, and fun surprises, we must learn to hear His voice and fall in love with all of Him: Father, His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. Only when you clearly hear His voice can you have an intimate relationship with the One you are hungering for.
This theme has followed her through her life, and now it is available to you through her books, newsletters, and teachings.
Since her husband’s death in 2016, she’s turned her home into a busy Mission House that ministers to the lost and hurting through prayer and home groups. Her house also supplies food and medical supplies to those in need.
God loves you and wants you to have deeper experiences with Him ~ now! Come…open your heart to the possibilities of walking with Him in miraculous ways.
Amanda is available to those who need prayer.
God is still the God of miracles!